Core Courses: 18 Units Required
ANAT 100/3.0 Anatomy of the Human Body
GLPH 171/3.0 Social and Physical Determinants of Health and Disease
HSCI 190/3.0 Introduction to Statistics for the Health Sciences
IDIS 173/3.0 History and Philosophy of Health and Healthcare (previously BMED 173)
PHAR 100/3.0 Introductory Pharmacology
PHGY 170/3.0 Human Cell Physiology
Option Courses: Choose 6.0 units from the following list
IDIS 199/3.0 The Science of Mental Health, Well-being, and Resiliency
PATH 120/3.0 Understanding Human Disease in the 21st Century
BIOL 102/3.0 Introductory Biology of Cells*
BIOL 103/3.0 Introductory Biology of Organisms*
CHEM 112/6.0 General Chemistry (offered in-person only)*
CHEM 113/3.0 General Chemistry I*
CHEM 114/3.0 General Chemistry II*
ENGL 1XX (any 100-level ENGL course)*
MATH 121/6.0 or MATH 126/6.0 or (MATH 123/3.0 and/or MATH 124/3.0) Differential and Integral Calculus*
PHYS 115 (3.0) and/or PHYS 116 (3.0) OR PHYS 117/6.0 OR PHYS 118/6.0 Basic Physics*
PSYC 100/6.0 Psychology (or PSYC 101 or PSYC 102 or PSYC 103)*
WRIT 120/3.0 Fundamentals of Effective Writing*
WRIT 125/3.0 Fundamentals of Academic Essay Writing*
Electives: 6.0 Units
Electives can be any online or on-campus course, including any listed option courses. All Arts & Science Online courses are accepted as electives. Additionally, BHSc On-Campus students may choose courses from the Arts & Science Calendar.
Core Courses: 18.0 Units Required
BCHM 270/3.0 Biochemical Basis of Health and Disease
GLPH 271/3.0 Global and Population Health
HSCI 270/3.0 Fundamentals of Health Research Methodology (previously BMED 270)
PHGY 215/3.0 Principles of Mammalian Physiology I
PHGY 216/3.0 Principles of Mammalian Physiology II
1 of MICR 270/3.0 Infection, Immunity, Inflammation** OR MICR 271/3.0 Introduction to Microbiology** OR MICR 221/3.0 Fundamental Microbiology**
**Students must take one of MICR 270, MICR 271, or MICR 221 to fulfil their core course requirements. If a student chooses to take more than one of these courses, one will count as core and the additional course(s) will count towards their option and/or elective requirements
Option Courses: Choose 6.0 units from the following list:
BCHM 218/3.0 Molecular Biology
CHEM 281/3.0 General Organic Chemistry I*
CHEM 282/3.0 General Organic Chemistry II (Offered in-person only)*
CHEM 285/3.0 General Organic Chemistry II*
GLPH 281/3.0 Racism and Health in Canada
HLTH 230/3.0 Fundamentals of Human Nutrition*
IDIS 280/3.0 Interprofessional Approaches in Healthcare
MICR 270/3.0 Infection, Immunity, Inflammation** OR MICR 271/3.0 Introduction to Microbiology** OR MICR 221/3.0 Fundamental Microbiology**
**Students must take one of MICR 270, MICR 271, or MICR 221 to fulfil their core course requirements. If a student chooses to take more than one of these courses, one will count as core and the additional course(s) will count towards their option and/or elective requirements
MICR 290/3.0 Antibiotic Resistance Lab
PHGY 290/3.0 Investigation of Human Physiological Responses
Electives: 6.0 Units
Electives can be any online or on-campus course, including any listed option courses. All Arts & Science Online courses are accepted as electives. Additionally, BHSc On-Campus students may choose courses from the Arts & Science Calendar.
Core Courses: 15.0 Units Required
BCHM 370/3.0 Genetics and Genomics (previously BMED 370)
IDIS 373/3.0 Health Ethics, Law, and Policy (previously BMED 373)
PATH 310/3.0 Introduction to Pathology and Molecular Medicine
PHAR 370/3.0 Fundamentals of Pharmacology and Therapeutics (previously PHAR 270)
REPD 372/3.0 Reproduction and Development
Option Courses: Choose 9.0 units from the following list:
ANAT 309/3.0 Functional Histology
ANAT 312/3.0 Functional Neuroanatomy (offered in-person only)
ANAT 380/3.0 Clinically Relevant Human Anatomy
ANAT 391/3.0 Introduction to Cadaveric Dissection
BCHM 320/3.0 Applications of Synthetic Biology
CANC 380/3.0 Evolutionary Biology of Cancer
GLPH 385/3.0 Biohacking and Gerontechnology
HSCI 383/3.0 Advanced Research Methodologies (previously BMED 383)
LISC 300/3.0 The Process of Discovery in the Biomedical Sciences (offered in-person only)
LISC 387/3.0 Sex Differences in Health and Disease (offered in-person only)
LISC 390/3.0 Integrative Laboratory Studies
LISC 391/3.0 Integrated Life Sciences Laboratory (offered in-person only)
MICR 320/3.0 Microbes in Health and Disease
MICR 386/3.0 Fundamentals of Immunology in Health and Disease (previously BMED 386)
NSCI 323/3.0 Cellular Neuroscience
NSCI 324/3.0 Systems Neuroscience (offered in-person only)
NSCI 325/3.0 The Science of Psychadelics
PATH 381/3.0 Clinical Biochemistry
PHAR 380/3.0 Drug and Environmental Toxicology
PHGY 350/3.0 Pathophysiology (offered in-person only)
PHGY 355/3.0 Biomedical Respiratory Physiology (offered in-person only)
HSCI 591/3.0 Health Sciences Research: Design and Methods
HSCI 592/3.0 Health Sciences Research: Design and Methods
HSCI 593/3.0 Health Sciences Research: Data Collection and Interpretation
HSCI 594/3.0 Health Sciences Research: Data Collection and Interpretation
HSCI 595/3.0 Health Sciences Research: Data Collection and Interpretation
Electives: 6.0 Units
Electives can be any online or on-campus course, including any listed option courses. All Arts & Science Online courses are accepted as electives. Additionally, BHSc On-Campus students may choose courses from the Arts & Science Calendar.
Core Courses: 6.0 Units Required
GLPH 471/3.0 Advanced Global and Population Health
REPD 473/3.0 Developmental Origins of Health and Disease
Option Courses: Complete a total of 18.0 Units from the following 3 lists.
Minimum 3.0 units from this list:
ANAT 409/3.0 Selected Topics in Histology (offered in-person only)
ANAT 471/3.0 Human Embryology
BCHM 482/3.0 Proteomics and Metabolomics
CANC 440/3.0 Cancer Biology and Therapeutics (offered in-person only)
CRSS 453/3.0 Principles of Cardiorespiratory Sciences I (offered in-person only)
CRSS 454/3.0 Cardiovascular Sciences
CRSS 456/3.0 Molecular and Cellular Basis of Cardiovascular Disease (offered in-person only)
DDHT 459/3.0 Principles of Drug Discovery (offered in-person only)
DDHT 460/3.0 Principles of Drug Development (offered in-person only)
EPID 401/3.0 Biostatistical Data Analysis
LISC 400/3.0 Neuro-Immune Interactions in Health and Disease (offered in-person only)
LISC 426/3.0 Current Concepts in Sensorimotor Neuroscience (offered in-person only)
MICR 451/3.0 Selected Topics in Viral Pathogenesis (offered in-person only)
MICR 452/3.0 Viral Infection and Immunity (offered in-person only)
MICR 461/3.0 Advanced Immunology (offered in-person only)
MICR 483/3.0 Advanced Topics in Infectious Diseases
MICR 484/3.0 Infectious Diseases and Zoonoses
NSCI 401/3.0 Introduction to Theoretical Neuroscience
NSCI 403/3.0 Introduction to Neuroimaging (offered in-person only)
NSCI 422/3.0 Cellular and Molecular Neurosciences (offered in-person only)
NSCI 424/3.0 Neurodegeneration & Brain Health
NSCI 429/3.0 Disorders of the Neurosystem (offered in-person only)
NSCI 433/3.0 Cellular Elements of the Nervous System (offered in-person only)
NSCI 444/3.0 Controversies in Neuroscience (offered in-person only)
NSCI 483/3.0 Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
PATH 411/3.0 Applied Data Science in Molecular Medicine
PATH 425/3.0 Current Topics in Human Genetics (offered in-person only)
PATH 430/3.0 Molecular Basis of Disease (offered in-person only)
PHAR 416/3.0 Xenobiotic Disposition and Toxicity (offered in-person only)
PHAR 480/3.0 Drug Discovery and Development
PHGY 424/3.0 Ion Channels of Excitable Cells (offered in-person only)
Minimum 3.0 units from this list:
GLPH 482/3.0 Foundations of Humanitarian Health Emergencies
GLPH 485/3.0 Global Application of Health Informatics (*not offered in 2023-2024 academic year)
GLPH 487/3.0 One World, One Health: The Global Link Between Human, Animal, and Environmental Health
GLPH 488/3.0 Global Oncology: Cancer Care, Policy, Research, and Education (offered in-person only)
GLPH 493/3.0 Global Health Practice
HSCI 483/3.0 Applied Qualitative Methods For Health Research
IDIS 473/3.0 Designing Your Life After Queen's
IDIS 480/3.0 Advanced Interprofessional Approaches in Healthcare
IDIS 483/3.0 Applied Health Ethics: Clinical, Organizational, and Research Perspectives
Additional 4th year Options:
ANAT 599/6.0 Research Inquiry in Anatomy
DISC 591/592/593/594 /3.0 Discovery Lab Research Projects for Team-Based Experiential Learning
DISC 598/599 /6.0 Discovery Lab Research Projects for Team-Based Experiential Learning
HSCI 591/3.0 Health Sciences Research: Design and Methods
HSCI 592/3.0 Health Sciences Research: Design and Methods
HSCI 593/3.0 Health Sciences Research: Data Collection and Interpretation
HSCI 594/3.0 Health Sciences Research: Data Collection and Interpretation
HSCI 595/3.0 Health Sciences Research: Data Collection and Interpretation
HSCI 598/6.0 Advanced Health Sciences Research: Design and Methods
HSCI 599/6.0 Advanced Health Sciences Research: Data Collection and Analysis
Electives: 6.0 Units
Electives can be any online or on-campus course, including any listed option courses. All Arts & Science Online courses are accepted as electives. Additionally, BHSc On-Campus students may choose courses from the Arts & Science Calendar.