All assessments will be graded using marking rubrics.
Assessment 1 – Discussions Boards (25%)
Using a topic that stems from one of their two research article presentations, each student will be required to individually complete a report that consolidates information pertaining to prevention and treatment options for a particular condition/disease state. The aim is to provide a summary of developmental conditions that are associated with a specific condition/disease state and provide a review of research that focuses on any preventative measures or treatments that have been researched to mitigate the effects of that exposure/condition. Finally, the student must attempt to project the feasibility of implementation of the identified preventative measure or treatment in practical terms.
Assessment 2 – DOHaD Test (15%)
After Module 02, students will complete a proctored test to ensure understanding of material covered in the first two modules.The test will consist of short and/or long answer question(s).
Assessment 3 – Research Paper Presentation (30% total)
Working in groups of 2 or 3, students will be expected to complete a 20 minute presentation of a provided research paper that falls in line with the content of the respective module and consolidate that paper within the framework of the course(Modules 03 to 06). Students will be assigned to discussion boards consisting of 24 students and upload their presentations for viewing. Each module, non-presenting groups will be required to ask questions of their presenting peers (6% total). Presenters will be required to answer said questions as part of their presentation grade.
Assessment 4 – Take Home Final - Disease Prevention Report (30%)
Students will be asked to select a topic from a provided list and complete a 1500-word report summarizing the research on the topic to date, including a summary of the in utero exposure, physiological changes, and associated long-term health effects that are known about the topic. Included in the report should be a discussion of clinical relevance, including potential preventative strategies for treatment.