Assessment 1 – Positioning Paper (15%)
The students’ first assignment will reflect on their individual social location and relationship to the community that they are working with through their service learning position. Students will identify the factors that have contributed to the development of their individual perspective and social status, learn about the population that they are seeking to support through their service learning position, and identify what they bring to the position and what they will take from the experience.
Assessment 2 – Photovoice Posts Journal Entries & Presentation (15%)
Throughout the course, students will take photos reflecting viewpoints or encounters that they see in their personal and professional lives that highlight issues of equity, health, globalization, and privilege. The objective of the assignment is to get students to continuously reflect upon how these issues permeate their everyday life. Students will post photos throughout their placement in the Global Health Photovoice App related to issues discussed in the course. Students will also give a 10 minute presentation that connects at least two of their photos to the themes of the course, including the readings for that week. This presentation will be used to stimulate a group discussion that the student will facilitate in their online discussion group.
Assessment 3 – Progress Evaluation Reflections (30%)
In this assignment, students will describe and reflect upon a progress evaluation with their service learning position supervisor. Students will meet with their position supervisor to assess their progress in the position. Prior to the conversation, both the supervisor and the student will fill out an open-ended written evaluation responding in relation to the responsibilities and expectations agreed upon at the outset of the service learning position.
During the progress evaluation conversation, the student and the supervisor will review and discuss the self-evaluation and the supervisor evaluation. The student will then write reflection paper considering their progress, identified strengths and areas for improvement. This will include concrete steps for how to amplify their strengths and improve their effectiveness in helping the community organization in the remainder of the position or (for the final reflection) in their subsequent global health practice. There will be two progress evaluation reflections, each worth 15% for a total of 30%.
Assessment 4 – Philosophy of Practice Paper (30%)
For the final course assignment, students will describe their ‘philosophy of practice’ that they have crafted throughout the duration of the course. A philosophy of practice describes the values, beliefs, practices, and behaviours that characterize their approach to service delivery in global health research, clinical work, advocacy, or program and project design and implementation. It should draw upon reputable academic sources from within and outside of the course syllabus to describe one or two theories or perspectives on globalization, equity and development that resonate with them personally and/or professionally and explain its practical relevance based on their service learning experience. It should also describe the methods of reflexive inquiry they have undertaken throughout the course and explain how it has shaped their philosophy of practice. Students will share a brief summary of their philosophy of practice in their online group discussion prior to submitting their paper.
Assessment 5 – Online Group Participation (10%)
Students will be evaluated on the level of their participation in their online group discussions. This will encompass the number of group discussions in which they participate, the level of activity with which they contribute to the discussion and the degree to which they demonstrate familiarity with the assigned readings.