Assessment 1 – Research Performance (30%)
Students and supervisors will develop a contract outlining specific project expectations and goals and submit a signed copy of the contract to the course coordinator in week 2. Using the contract as a framework, students will be graded by their supervisor(s) on their initiative, effort, dedication, and research proficiency in working on their project.
Assessment 2 – Poster Presentation (30%)
Students will prepare a conference-style poster presentation outlining their background information, methods, results, and discussion/conclusions and formally present their poster during a class-wide poster session. Students will be expected to prepare a short 5-minute summary of their poster, as well as to answer questions for up to 15 minutes related to their research project.
Assessment 2 will be graded by the student’s supervisor, one other individual (i.e., the course coordinator), and include a peer evaluation component.
Assessment 3 – Written Thesis (40%)
Students must write and submit a written report of their research, including an abstract, introduction, methods, results, and discussion (max. 14 double spaced pages of main text). Students may use their research proposal completed in HSCI 591 as a starting off point for this report and will be given enough time to incorporate feedback and discussion generated from their poster presentation into their written thesis.
Assessment 3 will be graded by the supervisor and one other individual (i.e., the course coordinator). If there is a 10% or greater discrepancy in the marks submitted a 3rd evaluation will be required.