Assessment 1 - Quizzes (10%)
Students will complete five low stakes quizzes, involving multiple-choice as well as identification questions, designed to facilitate formative learning as well as to confirm the knowledge and integration of the module and practical content. The ten quizzes will each be worth 2% and will align with the bi-weekly module material.
Assessment 2 – Dissection Plan (15%)
Students will design a dissection plan that clearly outlines their approach to macro-dissection of their human cadaveric specimen. Students will submit the written plan including justifications of major decisions, what tools they will use, what the dissection should demonstrate, as well as a division of responsibility within their groups. The dissection plan is an individual assignment, and student groups will share their dissection plans with each other to collaborate and ultimately determine a final approach. Students will also provide detailed feedback on a peer’s dissection plan from another group which is clearly written and specifies changes that could improve the plan. The written submission will be worth 10% and the peer feedback will be worth 5%.
Assessment 3 – Essay (25%)
This is a written assignment that requires students to critically evaluate contemporary literature regarding practices of anatomical pedagogy, identifying gaps which could be subsequently investigated. Students will provide concise findings about the background researched from peer-reviewed literature and devise a research question aimed at addressing the identified gap in knowledge. Students will be required to provide feedback on the research question of a peer, critiquing its feasibility as well as identifying possible limitations that could be faced. The written submission will be worth 20% and the peer feedback will be worth 5%.
Assessment 4 – Oral Presentation (20%)
Students will prepare and deliver a presentation on a predetermined topic related to dissection techniques, research, or critical findings. Students will advocate for the use of dissection to emphasize the effectiveness of their tool or topic, effectively communicating to an educated and informed audience. The students will be expected to support their oral presentation using audio/visual materials and effectively engage the audience with high-level learning interactions.
Assessment 5 – Dissection Defense (30%)
Students will complete an in-person defense of their dissected specimen whereby they will describe the anatomy and justify why their chosen dissection effectively demonstrates anatomical structure. The defense will also include a question and answer period involving the course instructors, and the students will each have the opportunity to apply their acquired knowledge in curating thoughtful oral responses during the defense. Students will present their dissections in groups but will be graded individually.