Assessment 1 – Active Course Engagement (20%)
Students will be responsible for participating actively and consistently in classroom discussions of course material and cases of interest. For each course theme, students will be provided with discussion questions to prompt and guide participation in course discussions. One fourth of the value of this assessment will come from a self-assessment submitted by the student at the end of the course.
Assessment 2 – Written Case Analyses (40%)
Students will submit at least three, and no more than four, short written case analyses. Each analysis is focused on an anonymized, composite case drawn from real-world ethics practice. Students apply their developing knowledge in health ethics to identify ethical principles and values, as well as contextual health-system factors bearing on the case, and to suggest and briefly defend potential responses. Students will need to read and cite course material, and may need to do engage with some external sources in the literature.
Assessment 3 – Active Learning Opportunities (40%)
Each student will participate in two group-based active learning opportunities (ALOs). The ALOs offer students chances to demonstrate knowledge of course material and mastery of course concepts in live, interactive scenarios based on real-word practices and structures through which contemporary health systems address ethical issues (e.g., mock sessions of Research Ethics Boards, the Consent and Capacity Board, Policy Working Groups). In addition to collaboratively preparing for and participating in the live scenarios for two ALOs, each student submits a short, written reflection concerning her experience with each ALO.