Assessment 1 – Literature Review (5% + 30%)
The literature review is broken down into two parts. Part 1, counting for 5% of the total grade for the course, will consist of an outline indicating the topics that will be discussed in the literature review, with justification as to why these topics are important to include. Part 1 is due prior to week 6 and will be graded and commented upon by the supervisor(s). Part 2, contributing 30% of the total grade for the course, will consist of a written report in the form of a literature review (max. 6 double-spaced pages), where the final paragraph of the review should describe the specific objectives of the project and how it will address a gap in knowledge in this research area.
Part 2 of Assessment 1 will be graded by the supervisor and one other individual (i.e., the course coordinator). If there is a 10% or greater discrepancy in the marks submitted a 3rd evaluation will be required. Part 2 is due prior to week 12.
Assessment 2 – Research Performance (30%)
Students and supervisors will develop a contract outlining specific project expectations and goals and submit a signed copy of the contract to the course coordinator in week 2. Using the contract as a framework, students will be graded by their supervisor(s) on their drive, initiative, effort, dedication, and research proficiency in working on their project.
Assessment 3 – Research Proposal Presentation (35%)
Students will conduct a 15-minute PowerPoint presentation followed by up to 10 minutes of questioning, demonstrating their ability to communicate their background information, rationalization all aspects of their proposed research, intended research design/methods, as well as any preliminary data collection that has been accomplished, if appropriate.
Assessment 3 will be graded by the student’s supervisor, one other individual (i.e., course coordinator), and include a peer evaluation component.