Assessment 1: Participation (20%)
Active participation in class is taken seriously in this course. From week 3 onwards, students will be required to write weekly brief reflections (maximum 300 words), which will be part of their participation grade (10 total reflections). Each completed reflection will be worth 1.5% of the final grade (the rest of this grade will be based on in class participation as determined by the instructor). Students who are unable to attend class will be required to do the readings and submit their reflections before the end of the week to earn the participation mark. Students will be offered the opportunity to share their own experiences regarding the nature of qualitative inquiry they are undertaking. Students are free to decide the extent to which they feel comfortable sharing their experiences; contributions to this aspect will not be graded. Respect for each other is critical in this course.
Assessment 2: Research Proposal and presentation (20%; 2 x 10%)
Students will be assigned to groups to explore a health-issue reflecting on various qualitative methodologies and using specific methods. The health topic will be decided in class following discussion, and then each group will be given the opportunity to select from a list of specific qualitative approaches, after an order-of-selection is generated by lottery. In this proposal groups will state their research question, describe the theoretical underpinnings of their qualitative methodology/method, and outline how they will collect and analyze their data. An opportunity for a formative (non-graded) presentation will occur prior to the date for the graded assessment. Students will present their proposals (max. 15 minutes) and take questions from the class. This will enable the incorporation of feedback prior to submitting the written version. The proposal will be a maximum of 1500 words in 12-point font and double-spaced. The presentation and submitted proposal will be worth 10% each. The format/expectations/rubric for these presentations will be provided on the course page.
Assessment 3: Presentation on research findings (30%)
An opportunity for a formative (non-graded) presentation will occur prior to the date for the graded assessment. In week 9 the group will present the findings of their research to date (maximum 15 minutes). This presentation will be worth 20% of the final grade and will focus on data collection, data analysis, rigour, and results. The format/expectations/rubric for these presentations will be provided on the course page.
Assessment 4: Final project (30%)
Students will end the course with the submission of a term paper (about 6-9 pages, double spaced). The final term paper will be submitted individually and will build on the group project they worked on throughout the term. Thus, while the submitted methodology and methods sections will be the same amongst students in the same group, students will be expected to write their own introduction, results and discussion of their research findings; incorporating the feedback they received on their final presentation. The format/expectations/rubric for this project will be provided on the course page.